[09-08 11:37:39] 来源:http://www.88dzw.com 微机|单片机 阅读:8148次
文章摘要:Easy-Downloader V1.1 for ATMEL 89C2051/4051 Build your own a personal writer for programming HEX code into Flash based microcontroller AT89C2051(2k) and AT89C4051(4k). Simple hardware and Easy use software in DOS and Window version. Single-side and double side PCB files included.Acrobat files for P
自己动手制造at89c2051编程器(英文),标签:电路设计,http://www.88dzw.comEasy-Downloader V1.1 for ATMEL 89C2051/4051
Build your own a personal writer for programming HEX code into Flash based microcontroller AT89C2051(2k) and AT89C4051(4k). Simple hardware and Easy use software in DOS and Window version. Single-side and double side PCB files included.Acrobat files for PCB image.
The first version of the Easy-Downloader was designed in 1997 to be used as a tool for my students on building her/his own microcontrollers circuit in the class ' Designing Microprocessors System'. The circuit features low-cost and easy use. The latest version V1.1 was designed to be used with 2051 and the newest 4051 chips. There is no separated functions like other programmer e.g., blank check, erase, write. Simply type say, c:\..>ez hello , the hex file 'hello.hex' will then be programmed to the chip automatically. If the chip is not blank or the code is locked, it will erase first, then write and verify... that all.Hardware
Figure 1 depicts a circuit diagram of the Easy-Downloader. As shown, the circuit uses a 89C2051 with writer.hex firmware, 74LS373 8-bit latch, DS275-like, 7805, LM317 and two transistors, 2N2222A and 2N2907A. The programming voltage control circuit is the same as recommended by ATMEL application note. It can be raised from 0V, 5V and 12V by appropriated signal from P3. The 8-bit latch, 74LS373 provides some signal for selecting the programming modes. A byte to be programmed or read back is sent/received through P1. Incrementing address is done by pulsing a positive pulse to XTAL pin. The circuit may be built using simple point-to-point soldering with a general purpose PCB( fish's egg like PCB) or making PCB shown above, the file is Easy-v1.pcb Protel PCB version 2.76. The finished board should be tested without any chips; 1) +5V supply, 2) programming voltage 0V, 5V and 12V by connecting the pin that control (P3.5 and D) 2N2222A and 2N2907 to +5V and/or GND. The adapter output should be approx. 15Vdc 100mA.
Figure 1: Circuit Diagram of Easy-Downloader V1.1Acrobat PCB FilesAs suggested by a friend from Romania, Puiu Chiselita, to provide PCB image in Acrobat file, so I have asked my friend, Jaroon Keawkhrua. He made within an hour, thanks again for providing us, the Acrobat PCB file.
TOP LAYER (80kB) easy-v2t.pdf
BOTTOM LAYER (36kB) easy-v2b.pdf
COMPONENT LAYER (51kB) easy-v2o.pdfSoftware
Two files that you should get are: writer.hex 4,871 bytes, the intel hex file firmware for 89C2051 chip ( the actual code size is 2021 bytes) and, ez.exe 20,800 bytes the uploader program run on PC, send hex file to the downloader. The original writer.c
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