[09-08 11:37:39] 来源:http://www.88dzw.com 微机|单片机 阅读:8148次
文章摘要:DC AdapterAny DC adapters, fixed or adjustable can be used, a bridge diode corrects polarity for the regulator IC eventually. Many adapters provide higher DC output than the value labeled, to ensure, check the proper programming voltage that must be in the range of 11.5 to 12.5V.Putting Right Positi
自己动手制造at89c2051编程器(英文),标签:电路设计,http://www.88dzw.comDC Adapter Any DC adapters, fixed or adjustable can be used, a bridge diode corrects polarity for the regulator IC eventually. Many adapters provide higher DC output than the value labeled, to ensure, check the proper programming voltage that must be in the range of 11.5 to 12.5V.
Putting Right Position
The latest version does not include the protection circuit if putting wrong position, i.e., GND-Vcc <--> Vcc-GND.Thus before put the chip into the programmer or your application board, back to see your thought, say I am putting the 2051 chip to the right position, then pick the chip, and place it...
There's no problem with 89C1051 chip but ensure that the hex code must less than 1024 bytes (000H to 3FFH). While verifying after erase it showed 0 to 2048 byte as the 2051 chip, it means twice reading, i.e., 000H-3FFH then 000H-3FFH, the same physical address. When programming, the control chip will write and verify only the size of program.
Tag:微机|单片机,电路设计,家电维修 - 单元电路介绍 - 微机|单片机
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