- 名称:高性能嵌入式工业以太网监控系统设计
- 类型:安防监控
- 授权方式:免费版
- 更新时间:04-22 14:51:51
- 下载要求:无需注册
- 下载次数:6503次
- 语言简体中文
- 大小:876 KB
- 推荐度:2 星级
场智能装置开发是其重要发展趋势。本文提出基于嵌入式工业以太网技术的监控系统,详细阐述了嵌入式工业以太网监控装置的硬件和软件的设计过程,包括32 位微处理器系统的实现、以太网接口单元模块的实现、uCLinux 嵌入式操作系统分析和移植,uCLinux 下驱动程序的分析和实现、Socket 套接字分析、HTTP 协议分析、嵌入式Web 服务器的实现等。
关键字: 监控系统;工业以太网;嵌入式;微处理器
Abstract: Intelligent measurement equipments are basic and key of control network. Application of high performance embedded technology to develop intelligent measurement equipment is one of the most important trends. The author brings forward the overall design of industrial Ethernet network. It illustrates how to implement the hardware and software of the embedded equipment. Mechanism and design theory of each part is deeply analyzed. The realization of 32-bit embeds processor system, Ethernet interface model, uCLinux OS, driver under uCLinux, socket, HTTP protocol, embedded Web Server are given in detail.
Keywords: Monitoring and Controlling System; Industry Ethernet; Embedded; Microprocessor, 大小:876 KB
- 上一篇:出铁废料水冲渣自动跟踪系统
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